Thursday, October 25, 2007


Today I have the most humungous headache. I don't know why. I think I'll blame the smokers in this town. It seems like I can't walk an inch without running into a puff of smoke or someone flicking ashes at me. My only solace is the annoyance and complaints they give me when I dunk their cigarettes in water. That's a bit refreshing. Speaking of water, it has rained for the last 3 days! :(
At least you like it, Skippy. You can dance in it all you want. But I hate it. Don't give me that look.
Back where I'm from there is no rain. Everything replenishes itself naturally without messing with icky wetness and such.
I am so homesick. When we find a way home, I may leave even you, Skippy.
At least Halloween is coming up, there are so many parties this weekend that I want to crash.

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